Art journey

Paris, France

A journey through Russian painting : From sacred icons to revolutionary Avant-Garde

Russia, vast and enigmatic, has always fascinated the world with its rich culture. Its history, marked by revolutions and deep social transformations, is reflected in its artistic traditions.

“You cannot understand Russia with your mind,” wrote the poet Fyodor Tyutchev, summarizing the elusive essence of the country, which defies simple definitions and rational measurements. If Russia cannot be fully grasped through conventional means, then painting becomes a privileged way to approach its soul.

Beyond visible representations, Russian art, throughout the centuries, has sought to capture something deeper: spiritual openness, a connection to the land and its people, and an expression of the unseen.

Russian painting has carved out a singular path, notably through bold revolutionary movements. This journey through the history of Russian painting reveals brilliant artists and a perpetual quest for identity, balancing between Western influences and national aspirations.